
Wow.  What a whirlwind these past few months have been…

LOADS of changes have come my way!

I find myself in such a grateful place right now….blown away by gifts from the Universe…

(btw Universe, I’m totally OPEN for MORE!)

I firmly believe, the vibes you throw out into the Universe, come back to you.

I am determined to change the vibrations I’m throwing out.

In my pursuit of raising my vibrations, I bought an awesome goal-setting workbook, (Leonie Dawson’s My Shining Life…& no I didn’t get paid to plug her, she is just super amazing!!).

One of the workbook pages is dedicated to your word for the year.

I skipped this page at first, not sure what my word would be.

Then it started to happen…

Don’t you love it when you start seeing a word over and over??


I began hearing it, reading it, seeing it….EVERYWHERE!

Finally, I was like, “Okay, Universe, I hear ya!”

So, I chose the word abundance.

I have made that my focus.


Imagine that???

Small town, poor, country girl who has struggled to keep her head above water, focused on abundance?!?!?

Um, yeah…

Don’t mind me I’m just happily riding my unicorn, focusing on ABUNDANCE.

My husband says I like to live in my own “bubble”.  Truth is, he’s right.

But let me tell you…this awakening that I am going through.  This realization of who I really am, accepting that I create my own reality, the realization that now is all we have, the realization that I am not my mind, but instead I CONTROL it….

Those realizations led me to decide that I’m alright…

It’s okay to live in my bubble, to ride my unicorn, to focus on the good, to accept and receive freely from the Universe.  Since making that decision…

Life has been AMAZINGLY different.

A weight was lifted.  I have a peace in my soul, that I cannot really explain.

I haven’t won the lottery.  I haven’t been enlightened like the Buddha.  I haven’t been speaking to any burning bushes.  Yet, I am experiencing waves of peace and happiness on such a deep level.

There is also an excitement present, a buzzing under my skin, a constant expectation of something good.

Let me be real…

I still have bad days.  I still have melt downs. There are still times I want to run screaming for the hills.

I’m not floating around on Cloud 9 all the time.

The difference is, those bad days are happening much less often.

The difference is, I can shake those crappy moods/feelings much quicker.

The difference is, I am learning to have my moment and then move on.

The difference is, I am more aware.  I am the watcher.

So maybe it’s because of this new “awareness”?

Maybe because I am looking for it?

Maybe because I invited it into my life this year?

Maybe it is simply because I am choosing to focus on the good…

Whatever the cause may be, I am just happy to report…it’s happening…


I have been blessed with so many positive changes.

It feels like, for the first time ever, the pieces are coming together.

I realize that the Universe is conspiring for me…

The life I’ve been waiting for, has been waiting for me.

Wishing you ABUNDANCE in every area of life,

Xoxo, Kris


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